Sunday, November 23, 2008

climbin fake rocks

Gotten in a couple of days of climbing back in the gym, the weather was good for outside but it just wasn't in the cards...such is life...

Barbell getups 65lb x 2/2, 85 x 1/1, 95lb x 1/1
external rot 30lb x 5/5,5/5,5/5
wrist ext x 30,30,30

each round mixed between:
5 rounds V3
5 rounds V4
5 rounds v3

Then today was unusual. I spent more time at the gym than i can remember...5 hours of climbing. It wasn't non stop but it was consistent. I mixed in the usual prehab exercises...
BGU 65 x 2/2, 85 x 1/1/1/1, 95 x 1/1/1/1, 105 x 1/1, 1/1, 95 x 1/1
ER 30 x 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8
WE 35lb->20lb x 10->20 x 6

warm up of V1-V4 total of about 9 routes
-worked a 6 on face with a psuedo blind throw off crimps, 6 moves, sent after 9-10 goes
-repeated a 7 less then 5 goes, 6 moves on overhang
-worked an 8 got to last move
-worked a 6
-worked the 8 again
-worked a 6

plus a bit of spazzing and campusing here and there...

I really need to work on my willingness to throw to a good hold of bad feet or foot and seems to need some work, i'm not sure if it was due to climbing with glasses or what...
The limiting factor today seemed to be skin. Even at the end I was still doing well with the 6 strength wise but fingertips are weepy. Overall a good day and need to do a deload on tues.

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