Friday, November 7, 2008


Taking a small break from long cycle to work on strength for the next 3 weeks before returning to the business.

5->4->3->2->1 of pullups, deadlifts, presses, deadlifts

DL 5 x 245, 4 x 245, 3 x 255, 2 x 265, 1 x 265
Press 24kg x 5/5, 28 x 4/4, 28 x 3/3, 32 x 2/2, 32 x 1/1
Pistol 12kg x 5/5, 12 x 4/4, 16 x 3/3, 16 x 2/2, 16 x 1/1
Pullup 16kg x 5, 16 x 4, 24 x 3, 24 x 2, 32 x 1

Climbing's felt a little off since hitting the long cycle pr but it's coming back and I should be fully recovered and able to refocus efforts soon.

Geoff gave me some tips on my deadlift and I have a new setup method. It's great being around knowledgable people.

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