Friday, October 24, 2008

Just more training

Long cycle Clean and Jerk with the 32kg
sets of 6 every minute on the minute switching hands every set for 20 minutes

not too bad just wanted to get a little sweat in.


slight deload day...i'm going to reduce volume to about 60% every third workout

Three different V0's six sets of each about 45 seconds of rest between each go.

It was ridiculously easy and hard to keep from doing seems the trick for me to avoid getting off track is to go to the gym when other's arent' there...I'll save my actually trying for outside with others.

Finished up with three rounds of:

Barbell Get up 3/3
External Rotation work 20lbs x 8/8
extensor work 20lb kb x 20
barbell front raise x 5
plate curls 25lb x 3/3

I'll keep working on improving the getups and external rotation work for a while. The goal is 3 sets of 8 with 35lbs and a single get up with 135 on the bar. I've done 95lb a bunch of times and I wouldn't mind moving it up a good bit.

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